Minerva UFRJ 2021

Um estudo de caso da inclusão de transexuais no mercado de trabalho

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rohm

orientou essa

em PEP-ROHM em

ℹ️ Descrição

JICTAC 2011Queering Paradigms IV 2012

Data: 30 Março 2017 até 29 Junho 2019 – Ricardo Rohm, Carine Morrot e Claudia Gonçalves


As identidades sexuais e de gênero realmente vividas extrapolam as rígidas dicotomias homem-mulher e masculino-feminino que fazem parte do projeto de ordem social moderna. Para além da norma heterossexual predominante na sociedade, existem as sexualidades não-dominantes, grupos categorizados como lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, transexuais e transgêneros. O objeto deste estudo é o indivíduo transexual, que tem a convicção de pertencer ao sexo oposto ao seu. Desta forma, ele vive numa essencial desarmonia entre quem é, quem acredita ser e a sua aparência externa, desenvolvendo uma identidade de gênero condizente com a do sexo biológico oposto ao seu (Silveira, 2006). Neste contexto, o trabalho, ocupando a centralidade da vida do indivíduo, é tomado como sustentáculo social, conformado em um jogo de poderes que se vale da sexualidade, para sua manutenção, (re)instituindo a heterossexualidade como norma às custas de outras formas de expressão sexual (Adelman, 2003). Assim, o culto ao trabalhador “homem-branco-heterossexual” e a discriminação por orientação sexual no ambiente de trabalho são uma realidade (Silva, 2008). Para as sexualidades não-dominantes, resta como alternativa de trabalho o mercado informal, com atividades como entrega de panfletos, bicos e prostituição. A possibilidade no mercado formal se dá muitas vezes no trabalho em call centers – por seu estereótipo “sensível” e pelo fato de não ser visto pelo cliente, fato que corrobora com a necessidade social de tornar a transgressão à norma heterossexual invisível (Carpenedo, Nardi, 2008; Venco, 2010). Dado este cenário, o estudo objetiva investigar como se dá a inserção do grupo transexual no mercado de trabalho e verificar se há algum locus e atividade específicos que os absorvam. A pesquisa também busca investigar o que os fazem estar naquela área e/ou empresa, suas perspectivas quanto à carreira e como se deu o processo de recrutamento e seleção. Para tanto, será utilizado o método da análise de discurso a partir de entrevistas abertas e semiestruturadas com dez transexuais que trabalhem em empresas de grande porte. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: transexualidade; inserção no mercado de trabalho; carreira.


A Case Study of Transsexual Insertion into the Job Market in the City of Rio de Janeiro

The sexual and gender identities actually performed extend the rigid dichotomies man-woman and male-female, which are part of the modern social order. Beyond the predominant heterosexual rule in society, there are the non-dominant sexualities, groups labeled as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and e transgenders.

From this perspective, the scope of this study is the transsexual individual, who is sure of belonging to the opposite of his/her assigned sex. For this reason, he/she lives in essential conflict between who he/she is, who he/she believes he/she is and his/her external appearance, developing a gender identity consistent with his/her opposite biological sex (Silveira, 2006).

Labor, which is central in the individual’s life, is considered a social support, in a game of powers that uses sexuality for its maintenance, (re)establishing heterosexuality as the main rule to the detriment of other forms of sexual expression (Silva, 2008). In this manner, the devotion to the “heterosexual-white-man” and the discrimination according to sexual orientation in the working environment are real (Silva, 2008), as well as the lack of queer studies about this segment in such institutions.

For the non-dominant sexualities, the only job options are found in the informal sector, such as leaflet distribution, temporary jobs and prostitution. The insertion in the formal sector is usually possible only in call centers – because of their “sensitive” stereotype and for the fact that the client is not able to see the worker, once again corroborating the social need of turning this violation of the established heterosexual rule invisible to society (Carpenedo & Nardi, 2008; Venco, 2010).

Goal: The objective of this study was to investigate the insertion of the transsexual group into the job market and analyze if there is any specific locus or activity in which they are concentrated. The aim of the research was also to investigate the reason why they work in that specific area/company, their career expectations and how the recruiting and selection process was performed in such institutions. It has been used the discourse analysis method based upon open semi-structured interviews with three transsexuals who work or have recently worked in large companies in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


📅 Histórico

3 respostas

  1. adicionou um objetivo do projeto

    The objective of this study was to investigate the insertion of the transsexual group into the job market and analyze if there is any specific locus or activity in which they are concentrated. The aim of the research was also to investigate the reason why they work in that specific area/company, their career expectations and how the recruiting and selection process was performed in such institutions. It has been used the discourse analysis method based upon open semi-structured interviews with three transsexuals who work or have recently worked in large companies in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

    1 Recomendação:
    Gabriel de Souza Valuano

  2. adicionou uma atualização

    The sexual and gender identities actually performed extend the rigid dichotomies man-woman and male-female, which are part of the modern social order. Beyond the predominant heterosexual rule in society, there are the non-dominant sexualities, groups labeled as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and e transgenders.

    From this perspective, the scope of this study is the transsexual individual, who is sure of belonging to the opposite of his/her assigned sex. For this reason, he/she lives in essential conflict between who he/she is, who he/she believes he/she is and his/her external appearance, developing a gender identity consistent with his/her opposite biological sex (Silveira, 2006).

    Labor, which is central in the individual’s life, is considered a social support, in a game of powers that uses sexuality for its maintenance, (re)establishing heterosexuality as the main rule to the detriment of other forms of sexual expression (Silva, 2008). In this manner, the devotion to the “heterosexual-white-man” and the discrimination according to sexual orientation in the working environment are real (Silva, 2008), as well as the lack of queer studies about this segment in such institutions.

    For the non-dominant sexualities, the only job options are found in the informal sector, such as leaflet distribution, temporary jobs and prostitution. The insertion in the formal sector is usually possible only in call centers – because of their “sensitive” stereotype and for the fact that the client is not able to see the worker, once again corroborating the social need of turning this violation of the established heterosexual rule invisible to society (Carpenedo & Nardi, 2008; Venco, 2010).

    The analysis of the case study is finished and final details are being taken care of in order to publish the paper.

    2 Recomendações:
    Gabriel de Souza Valuano
    Gabriela Moreira da Costa

  3. adicionou uma atualização

    Submission to publication as a book chapter

    The concluded research project is under publishing procedures .

    1 Recomendação:
    Gabriel de Souza Valuano

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