Minerva UFRJ 2021

Inclusão e gestão da diversidade nas organizações brasileiras mediante certificação

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rohm

orientou essa

em PEP-ROHM em

ℹ️ Descrição

ResearchGateSIAc 2017

Goal: Sugerir um modelo de certificação brasileiro para empresas “amigas da diversidade LGBT”

Data: 30 Janeiro 2017 – 29 Dezembro 2017


Um estudo sobre diversidade e ambiente de trabalho descortina uma multiplicidade de possibilidades de enfoques de pesquisa (IRIGARAY EFREITAS, 2013). A literatura cientifica brasileira sobre diversidade sexual nas organizações, apesar de ainda pouco explorada, tem focado na vantagem competitiva trazida às organizações que valorizam a diversidade e sua importância (ROHM, FERNANDES E CABRAL, 2012). Uma maior diversidade da mão-de-obra incentiva a criatividade dos empregados, contribui para a melhoria no processo decisório da empresa, uma vez que a torna mais flexível e ágil, pois facilita a troca de informações sobre experiências, valores, atitudes e a apreensão de novas abordagens (IRIGARAY E FREITAS, 2013). Porém, pouco se fala sobre gerenciamento dessa diversidade, criação de políticas organizacionais inclusivas e sensibilização da força de trabalho das organizações. Esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia de certificação brasileira para empresas “amigas da diversidade LGBT”. Segundo a International Organization for Standardization (ISO), certificação é a concessão, por um organismo independente, de garantia escrita (um certificado) que o produto, serviço ou sistema em questão atende à requisitos específicos. Os requisitos do modelo proposto são práticas de inclusão e gestão da diversidade de orientação sexual. Demonstra-se, também, sua relevância estratégica para as organizações, pois, as pessoas performam melhor quando podem ser elas mesmas e a organização está demonstrando ativamente seu comprometimento com a igualdade LGBT (Workplace Equality Index, 2017) ao certificar-se. Para atingir este objetivo, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica como metodologia; fez-se uma revisão da literatura dos últimos dez anos acercados certificados existentes no âmbito internacional e selecionou-se os de maior repercussão por terem maior engajamento e reconhecimento de empregadores como ferramentas de benchmarking em inclusão da diversidade LGBT. Entre estes, o Corporate Equality Index, o qual obteve resposta de 327 das empresas Fortune 500 em 2017 e foi desenvolvido pela Human Rights Campaign, organização estadunidense que trabalha em prol da igualdade para a minoria LGBT no país, e o Workplace Equality Index, do Reino Unido, o qual teve o envolvimento de439 organizações em 2017, desenvolvido pela Stonewall, que, como uma de suas vertentes, desenvolve um programa, Diversity Champions, o qual busca auxiliar organizações a se tornarem mais inclusivas para a minoria LGBT. No âmbito nacional, analisou-se o Selo Paulista da Diversidade criado em 2007 pela Secretaria do Emprego e Relações do Trabalho. Ao descrever-se os processos de obtenção dos certificados dessas instituições buscou-se mediante o benchmarking as melhores práticas e, ao mesmo tempo, as que se ajustam à realidade brasileira com vistas a se propor um modelo de certificação nacional.


A study on diversity and work environment unfolds a plurality of research focuses possibilities (IRIGARAY E FREITAS, 2013). The Brazilian scientific literature on sexual diversity in organizations, although little explored, has been focusing on the competitive advantage brought to organizations that value sexual diversity and its importance (ROHM, FERNANDES E CABRAL, 2012). A more diverse workforce stimulates creativity among workers and contributes to the decision-making process, once it helps the company to become more flexible and agile, as a diverse environment favours the exchange of experiences, values, attitudes and learning of different approaches (IRIGARAY E FREITAS, 2013). However, little is said on managing sexual diversity on the workplace, the creation of inclusive organizational policies and workforce awareness. This research proposes a Brazilian certification method to LGBT friendly companies. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), certification is the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, service or system in question meets specific requirements. The requirements of the proposed method would be inclusion and management of sexual diversity practices and policies. It also demonstrates its strategic relevance to organizations, as people perform better when they can be themselves and the organizations are actively showing their commitment to LGBT equality (top 100 employers, 2017) by getting certified. To reach that goal, the study has been conducted using the bibliographic and documentary methodologies. A revision of the last ten years in existing certification in both international and national environments was made and were selected the ones with more repercussion and acknowledged as benchmarking tools for inclusion of LGBT diversity by organizations. Amid the international ones, the Corporate Equality Index, which obtained 327 answers of Fortune 500 companies in 2017 and was developed by the Human Rights Campaign, an organization from the US that works in favour of LGBT equality in that country, and the Workplace Equality Index, from the United Kingdom, in which 439 organizations took part in 2017, developed by Stonewall, an organization that also promotes the Diversity Champions programme, that actively helps organizations to become more inclusive to the LGBT minority. At the national level, the Selo Paulista da Diversidade, created by Secretaria do Emprego e Relações do Trabalho in 2007 was analysed. By describing the certification obtaining processes, it was sought to analyse, through benchmarking, the best practices and the ones which would be a better fit to the Brazilian reality aiming to the proposition of a national certification methodology.
Key words: organizational certification, LGBT minority, diversity and inclusion, competitive advantage


📅 Histórico

2 respostas

  1. adicionou um objetivo do projeto

    Sugerir um modelo de certificação brasileiro para empresas “amigas da diversidade LGBT”

  2. adicionou uma atualização


    A study on diversity and work environment unfolds a plurality of research focuses possibilities (IRIGARAY E FREITAS, 2013). The Brazilian scientific literature on sexual diversity in organizations, although little explored, has been focusing on the competitive advantage brought to organizations that value sexual diversity and its importance (ROHM, FERNANDES E CABRAL, 2012). A more diverse workforce stimulates creativity among workers and contributes to the decision-making process, once it helps the company to become more flexible and agile, as a diverse environment favours the exchange of experiences, values, attitudes and learning of different approaches (IRIGARAY E FREITAS, 2013). However, little is said on managing sexual diversity on the workplace, the creation of inclusive organizational policies and workforce awareness. This research proposes a Brazilian certification method to LGBT friendly companies. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), certification is the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, service or system in question meets specific requirements. The requirements of the proposed method would be inclusion and management of sexual diversity practices and policies. It also demonstrates its strategic relevance to organizations, as people perform better when they can be themselves and the organizations are actively showing their commitment to LGBT equality (top 100 employers, 2017) by getting certified. To reach that goal, the study has been conducted using the bibliographic and documentary methodologies. A revision of the last ten years in existing certification in both international and national environments was made and were selected the ones with more repercussion and acknowledged as benchmarking tools for inclusion of LGBT diversity by organizations. Amid the international ones, the Corporate Equality Index, which obtained 327 answers of Fortune 500 companies in 2017 and was developed by the Human Rights Campaign, an organization from the US that works in favour of LGBT equality in that country, and the Workplace Equality Index, from the United Kingdom, in which 439 organizations took part in 2017, developed by Stonewall, an organization that also promotes the Diversity Champions programme, that actively helps organizations to become more inclusive to the LGBT minority. At the national level, the Selo Paulista da Diversidade, created by Secretaria do Emprego e Relações do Trabalho in 2007 was analysed. By describing the certification obtaining processes, it was sought to analyse, through benchmarking, the best practices and the ones which would be a better fit to the Brazilian reality aiming to the proposition of a national certification methodology.

    Key words: organizational certification, LGBT minority, diversity and inclusion, competitive advantage

    1 Recomendação:
    Samira Loreto Edilberto Pompeu

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