Brasão e sigla da UFRJ
Programa de Estudos e Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento Humano, Formação de Lideranças Transformadoras e Governança Social
Eponina, Ernesto Nazareth


Participação de Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rohm na Annual Conference of the German Communication Association’s Division “Digital Communication”

Conferência acontece na Universidade Livre de Berlim.

Participação de Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rohm na Annual Conference of the German Communication Association’s Division “Digital Communication”

O Prof. Dr. Rohm esteve em Berlim para participar do evento na área de Humanidades Digitais, uma das vertentes de estudos do Programa de Pesquisa sob sua coordenação.

Detalhes do evento

Shoshana Zuboff – Surveillance Capitalism and Democracy

Collection and analysis of data change the way the economy works. But are these changes fundamental enough to have led to the emergence of a new form of capitalism – surveillance capitalism? As human behaviour becomes ever more transparent, what is the importance of trust? Are individuals just an appendage of digital machines, objects of new mechanisms that reward and punish according to the rules of private capital? What is the impact of social cohesion when people become redundant as workers, while their data continue to act as a source of value creation in lucrative new markets trading in predictions of human behaviour? How can we control what we do not yet understand?

Each book published by social scientist and author Shoshana Zuboff is considered to herald a new era in technological society. Her latest work, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, unveils a world in which technology users are no longer customers, but the raw material for a whole new economic system. Zuboff is Charles Edward Wilson Professor Emeritus at Harvard Business School and was Associate Professor at the Berkman-Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School from 2014 to 2016.


6 de novembro (quarta-feira) 18:30 – 8 de novembro (sexta-feira) 15:00


Urania, Berlin
An der Urania 17, 10787 Berlin


Freie Universität Berlin
German Communication Association, Digital Communication Division Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society/FU Berlin and Alexander von Humboldt
Institute for Internet and Society