Brasão e sigla da UFRJ
Programa de Estudos e Pesquisas em Desenvolvimento Humano, Formação de Lideranças Transformadoras e Governança Social
Eponina, Ernesto Nazareth


Trans bodies in the brazilian theatrical scene – dialogue and intersections in three plays

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Rohm

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em PEP-ROHM em

ℹ️ Descrição

ResearchGateQP@CIRQUE 2019


The present study investigates the reception of the public and the media in three Brazilian theatrical plays which bring as main characters transsexual women: BR Trans (2016), Gisberta (2017) and O evangelho segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu (2017). The pieces have in common the conflict over security and, in a more comprehensive way, the right to citizenship. The approach of the physical and moral violence undergone by Brazilian transsexuals is exposed on the stage of the theater in order to alert society to the need to review its social role and, consequently, complete disregard for this part of the population. The study seeks to elucidate the social impacts that the invisibility of these queers cause and, above all, how the neglect of the State contributes to the violence and death of these people. In a second moment, it will be presented the reception of the media – both by news television programs and the general press – whilst addressing the three pieces, the impact of censorship which prevented the presentation of the play The Gospel according to Jesus, Queen of Heaven(*) in Rio de Janeiro and the mobilization of artists and social influencers so that it could be held without the patronage of the prefecture which is governed by a protestant pastor.


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    Ricardo Rohm

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    O artigo está em fase de edição para publicação em livro na Inglaterra.

    1 Recomendação:
    Gabriel de Souza Valuano